
Porque não deve enviar e-mail marketing através da sua conta de e-mail?

Communicating with your contacts through email marketing is a winning idea! But do you know that you should NOT use your email to send email marketing?

Here are some of the reasons:

1. Limited number of shipments

Most email accounts limit the amount of email you can simultaneously do. So that you do not have to share your contact base and send emails at different times, the use of an email marketing platform is the solution.

2. Your email reputation

If you send your email marketing messages from your own email you run a serious risk that your email domain will be considered spam. The consequence is that your emails (regardless of whether or not they are email marketing) may no longer be received and read by their recipients.

3. Do not allow unsubscription

The law and good practices for sending email marketing provide that the recipient of the email may unsubscribe at any time. Email marketing platforms recognize contacts who unsubscribe and do not resend information to that email contact. If you send emails manually from your account, it is possible that these unsubscribe requests may go unnoticed by you. Disrespecting the intention of your contact can make you very upset!

4. Can't see open and click reports

One of the most fantastic features associated with email marketing platforms is their reporting area that allows you to monitor how many emails were delivered, how many were opened, how many links were clicked, how many emails were canceled,...

Email marketing actions are more effective if we can analyze the results.

5. Image is very important

Email marketing platforms allow you to build layouts, consistent with the image of your company and the message you want to convey. More than that, these layouts adapt to different devices (computer monitor, tablet or smarthpone). The message that will pass is very important, but do not neglect in the form.  

Now that you know some of the reasons why you should not use your email to send email marketing campaigns (or even newsletter) we invite you to know a platform for sending email marketing. Learn more here:

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