
Why CRM is so important in the B2B market

One of the great challenges of companies operating in the business market, the so-called B2B (business to business), is the management of the relationship with their customers (and potential customers). Why?

The B2B market has some distinct characteristics (when compared to the market of B2C companies), namely:

  • The buyers of these markets are long-term buyers;

  • The customer base is usually smaller. However, these customers buy more value; 

  • In the business market, decision-making is more complex;

  • The Supplier is often seen as an expert (consulted by the customer during the decision-making process);

  • In this market, personal relationships are more important than the notoriety of the brand itself. 

  • The purchasing process requires a detailed and thoughtful analysis and may involve more than one decision-maker in the organization.

Given the uniqueness of this market, it is essential to know the customer (or potential customer) promoting a long-term relationship. 

It is, therefore, essential to collect information throughout the interactions in order to better understand the needs, characteristics and particularities of the customer (potential customer), accompany him throughout the purchase process, with a view to building and maintaining a lasting relationship.

All the more so because in this market relationships are generally valued more than brand awareness. 

How can a company accompany the customer (potential customer) in the different stages that constitute the sales process?

Where should they keep the history of interactions and the record of information collected from the customer? 

What is the strategy to build and maintain a lasting relationship? 

CRM is the answer for companies that want to adopt a relationship strategy with their contacts. 

What is a CRM?

CRM is the strategy and software that aims at Customer Relationship Management. CRM has been achieving a remarkable affirmation, mostly, in the market of final consumers (also called massive or B2C), that is, in companies that manage a vast portfolio of customers. Banks, insurance companies, airlines, hotels, are some examples of companies that have successfully adopted a CRM strategy.  

And in the case of companies that direct their activity to other companies? That is, the companies that operate in the industrial market "Business to Business" (from company to company)? 

Due to the importance that relationships assume in this market, CRM is the ideal tool to support the management of the relationship with contacts. 

Try for free a CRM that responds to the demands of the B2B market:

  • Information about contacts (opportunities and customers) gathered in one place;

  • Customization of the Stages of sale;

  • Evaluation of individual and team performance;

  • Management of tasks and user calendar;

  • Sales ManagementMarketing Campaign Management

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